Pioneer Students-Be sure to turn in your Wednesday Online Assignments by Sunday at 11:59 pm to keep from being marked absent for that day.
Pioneer has scheduled the second of it's vaccination days for staff next Friday. For that reason, we will be implementing a Remote Learning Day on Friday, March 12th. Students are not required to report to school and online assignments are due by 11:59pm on Sunday, March 14th. Have a great weekend!
Pioneer's Teaching Profession students were practicing teaching a lesson today.
Pioneer's SkillsUSA hosted a Zoom meeting on Employablitiy today . Many of our Career-Tech labs tuned in as well.
Pioneer Students-Be sure to turn in your Wednesday Online Assignments by Sunday at 11:59 pm to keep from being marked absent for that day.
Pioneer Students-Be sure to turn in your Wednesday Online Assignments by Sunday at 11:59 pm to keep from being marked absent for that day.
Pioneer's Parent Teacher Conferences for tonight, February 18 are rescheduled for next Thursday, February 25. Conferences are also available on Tuesday, February 23. If you have any questions or need to schedule a conference call Tina at 419-347-7744 ext. 42200.
Pioneer's Sophomore Open House has been cancelled for tonight, February 18 and rescheduled for next Thursday, February 25th. There is also a Sophomore Open House scheduled for Tuesday, February 23.
Take a 360° Virtual Tour of Pioneer anytime at!
Pioneer is implementing a Remote Learning Day for Tuesday, February 16. Students will not report to school. Assignments will be posted by 8:10am and due next Sunday at 11:59pm. Stay Warm and Safe!
Pioneer has now used up it's five calamity days (2 In-service Days to start the year and 3 Snow Days this month) so all school closures will now be Remote Learning Days. All assignments will be posted y 8:10am and will be due the following Sunday at 11:59pm. (Just like your Wednesday assignments).
Pioneer Students-Be sure to turn in your Wednesday Online Assignments by Sunday at 11:59 pm to keep from being marked absent for that day.
Pioneer has now used up it's five calamity days (2 In-service Days to start the year and 3 Snow Days this month) so all school closures will now be Remote Learning Days. All assignments will be posted y 8:10am and will be due the following Sunday at 11:59pm. (Just like your Wednesday assignments).
Valentine’s Day is this weekend. Let’s share some Pioneer love in our communities by helping our local food bank. Bring a non perishable food item or a $1 donation on Friday, February 12th and wear a school appropriate red or pink shirt. For an additional $1 you can wear your favorite hat all day as well! Let’s fill the food boxes and show our Pioneer Heart! Sponsored by NTHS.
Parent Teacher conferences will be held remotely on February 18 and February 23 from 4:00-5:30 pm. An email will be sent to the student and parent emails we have on file with instructions on how to schedule your conference. You will be given a choice of a telephone or zoom conference. Please be sure to check your email and schedule your conference soon. All of our staff will be in the building to take phone or zoom conferences. A list of our staff, their phone extensions, and email addresses can be found on our website. If you have any questions, please call Tina Hurst at 419-347-7744 extension 42200.
Pioneer Students-Be sure to turn in your Wednesday Online Assignments by Sunday at 11:59 pm to keep from being marked absent for that day.
Pioneer is now closed for Friday, February 5th. Enjoy the long weekend and stay safe and warm.
Pioneer is on a 2-Hour Delay with No Morning Preschool for Friday, February 5th.
Today's Face of Pioneer is Ryan Chapman, a junior from Ontario High School in Exercise Science/Sports Medicine. Ryan plays golf and baseball at Ontario. He feels the focus at Pioneer is to prepare for college and look to the future. This has made him feel he will be more than ready to move on to bigger and better things after graduation.
Pioneer is now CLOSED for Tuesday, February 2nd. Enjoy the day and stay safe and warm!
Pioneer is on a 2-hour delay for Tuesday, February 2nd with no morning Preschool. Students from Districts that are closed are not required to come to Pioneer tomorrow. Stay safe and warm tonight!